• temple organization system of Tibetan Buddhism  2010-4-17
  •     Gulug order was found in the fifth century BC,It  marked Tibetan Buddhism reached a new stage.The Gulug order was The most thorough  and  typical  Tibetan Buddhism organization .

         organization system of temple
         Gulug order had many typical temples, three  temples of Lhasa (Gandan temple, Zhebang temple,Sela temple) were the maximal temples  group of Tibet,it were the representative of joint spiritual and political authority   and also were the top authority  organization of religion.

        system of monks  and learning Scripture
        a few of monks in the temples  could learning Scripture, Most of them fetch and carry.

        learning Scripture monks   were calld "Beiqiawa",could get the highest degree called "Gexi".monks who got the highest degree could as a principalship of  temple, teaching disciple,and so on.


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